Foujita illus. & Vaucaire. Barres Paralleles.
銅版画5枚・別刷り10枚入 著者署名献辞入り献呈本 ジョルジュ・ヴァン・パリス(仏・作曲家)宛 局紙刷限定版
Poemes Inedits de Michel Vaucaire. Ornes de cinq eaux-fortes par Foujita. Paris, Typographie Francois Bernouard, 1927. 4to. No pagination. 15 plates. Original wr., slightly worn. Author's signed and dedication on half title-page to Georges Van Parys. Limited to 301 copies, this is No.9.
Georges Van Parys (1902-71) as a French composer of film music and operettas. Among his musical influences were the group Les Six, Maurice Ravel, and Claude Debussy. Later in his career he served as vice-president of the Societe des auteurs, compositeurs et editeurs de musique. He is buried in the cemetery at Villiers-sur-Marne.