Black (J.R.) Young Japan.
Yokohama and Yedo. A Narrative of the Settlement and the City from the Signing of the Treaties in 1858, to the Close of the Years 1879. With a Glace at the Progress of Japan during Period of Twenty-One Years. London & Yokohama, Trubner & Co. & Kelly & Co., 1880-1881. Printed at the Private Printing Office of the Author, No. 16, Yokohama, Japan. First ed. 8vo. 2 vols. viii, v-xvi, 418, xiv, 522pp. 14 original photographs tipped-in, and 1 photograph map of south coast of Japan. Original cloth, slightly rubbed, very slightly wormhole, slightly damaged on iii-vipp. of 2nd volume, private inscription on front end-paper of each vol.
1880ー81年刊 初版 オリジナル写真15枚貼付(徳川慶喜、浦賀、下田・玉泉寺、江戸城、大阪城他)